Business New South Wales awards

We are proud to announce that we have been listed as a finalist in two categories for this year’s Business New South Wales Awards, Sydney vicinity.

Having never been nominated or entered an award competition before, we were blown away with the recognition. These awards which are Sydney wide, are recognising businesses that, in their words, are the best of the best.

The first category is Excellence in Small Business, and secondly for Outstanding business leader, 20 employees and under.

As part of the entry process, probing questions on how the business has traded, adapted, supported stakeholders, and managed itself over the last twelve months were asked. As someone with ‘lots of different hats’ within the brand I found the experience of stepping out of the day to day to answer these with clarity to be a fulfilling few hours.

Acknowledging the great concepts we have initiated, outlining our positive strategies, and detailing the team’s successes was a rewarding experience that I will now vow to do regularly.

Most of the team will be accompanying me to a Gala evening where the finalists are celebrated, and the winners announced at Sydney’s Town Hall on June 18. We are all going to be wearing Philosophy sequins, so we sparkle!

We have no expectations of winning but are going to relish the opportunity to celebrate together as a team just how far we have come since my version of the Philosophy Australia brand launched in late 2019.

Thank you, as a customer and part of the broader Philosophy family for your continued support in our aim to shine a spotlight on Made in Australia fashion; we wouldn’t have even been nominated without your love!


  • Carole Dougherty

    Well all I can say it’s about bloddy time!!! I myself have been in retail for 30years. The Philosophy label being a major part of my retail experience I have sold many a garment to my clients especially the amazing pants. I was so pleased to be able to order direct through Philosophy once I retired. I would like to CONGRATULATE YOU FOR A JOB WELL DONE!! Keep up the good work.

  • Bron

    Well done Ali. I wish you all the best of good fortune.

  • Sue Scarlett

    Congratulations Ali on your nominations and fingers crossed for the 18th 🤞🥂

  • Anne Lamont

    Love and support Australia made. I know that when I purchase the cut, fabric and fit are perfect. Congrats

  • Lyn Baker

    Huge Congrats to Team Philosophy….. I now have over twenty of your fabulous garments – all made to the highest standard right here in Oz ! A well deserved nomination – now for the win .

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