Maple Lane - Leeton, NSW
Maple Lane
Owner - Mel Forbutt
Team - Naomi
92 Pine Avenue, Leeton NSW
Tell us about your customer profile?
Maple Lane is for the everyday woman who wants more from her fashion, fun, stylish and not afraid to express herself through her clothing.
What sets your boutique apart?
Our service and overall boutique experience and attention to detail in everything we do.
What is your best styling tip?
Have fun and feel alive in your clothing.
What makes your day?
Visits from our loyal clientele, whom we call family.
How do you sprinkle kindness?
We often pay it forward with small random acts of kindness in our small community.
Apart from your bricks and mortar store, how else do you market your goods?
Social media plays a large part in our store, and our “Live weekly try ons”. Also the fun Naomi and I have with our style.
Is there a local business you would like to recommend?
S & Co Hair & Beauty Bar – located two doors down, keeps us looking and feeling our best.
What are your thoughts about Philosophy?
Philosophy is an amazing groundbreaking label taking Australian Made fashion to the next level for ordinary Australians that want more from their wardrobes.
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